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1920 - Smith and the Pharaohs and Other Tales

SMITH AND THE PHARAOHS AND OTHER TALES is a collection of short stories

McKay and Scott claim that Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Company published the first edition in book-form in London on October 25, 1920.

McKay and Scott also claim that J.W. Arrowsmith published the first edition in book-form in Bristol on November 4, 1920.

McKay and Scott claim the Arrowsmith first edition comprises 3,000 copies. It is unclear if this number includes the Simpkin first edition copies, but I believe it does.

The title-page of the British first edition first lists J.W. Arrowsmith (Bristol), with Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Company (London) listed second.

Longmans, Green and Company published the first American edition August 5, 1921. McKay and Scott both agree on the publication date in New York. The ads at the end of the book are not dated.

I do not own any of the books pictured below, unless noted. I do own copies of both the British and American first editions.

Most of the short stories were published separately before being collected into one volume

SMITH AND THE PHARAOHS first appeared in the December 1912, and January and February 1913 issues of The Strand Magazine.

Click the image below to visit the page I created especially for the earlier publication

MAGEPA THE BUCK first appeared in Pears' Christmas Annual 1912.

Click the image below to visit the page I created especially for the earlier publication

THE BLUE CURTAINS first appeared in 1886 in The Cornhill Magazine without illustrations.

THE LITTLE FLOWER may have appeared earlier, but so far no evidence of this.

ONLY A DREAM first appeared in Harry Furniss's Christmas Annual 1905 under the title A WEDDING GIFT

Click the image below to visit the page I created especially for the earlier publication

BARBARA WHO CAME BACK first appeared in 1913 in The Pall Mall Magazine.

Click the image below to visit the page I created especially for the earlier publication

The Publisher's Circular from October 2, 1920 shows SMITH AND THE PHARAOHS was published October 25, 1920

Below: An Arrowsmith British first edition with original dust jacket

Below: Another British first edition original dust jacket

Below: Copies of the British first editions, both binding variants

Below: the British first edition title-page

Below: T. Werner Laurie's Colonial first edition

Below: A Longmans, Green American first edition original dust jacket, sadly not in my collection

This binding with light blue cloth with navy blue titling is assumed to be a later issue or later variant binding

Below: Copies of the American first edition

The title-page of the first American edition

Ads at the end of the Longmans, Green first edition cover many of HRH's novels