Daphne Rooke's first novel was first published in South Africa in 1946 under the title THE SEA HATH BOUNDS.

THE SEA HATH BOUNDS was published by A.P.B. Bookstore.

I do not own a copy of this edition, and the photos below were found on the Internet.

In 1950 the same novel was retitled A GROVE OF FEVER TREES and published by Houghton Mifflin in America.

In 1951 Jonathan Cape published A GROVE OF FEVER TREES in Britain.

I do not own copies of these editions, and the photos below were found on the Internet.

I own an exceedingly rare copy of Uncorrected Proofs of the American first edition of A GROVE OF FEVER TREES, published by Houghton Mifflin.

Signet published a paperback edition of A GROVE OF FEVER TREES.

I own a copy of this edition, but the photos below were found on the Internet.